Since Montana is our home, we are pleased to offer some spectacular hunts here. Soon you will see for yourself that nothing tops the beauty and hospitality of the Big Sky Country.
Our clients benefit from our experience -- over 41 years experience in the Outfitting business. Most all of our hunts are conducted on private leases and are well managed for Trophy Quality animals. We do offer a small select number of hunts in the Missouri river breaks for Mountain Lion and Bighorn Sheep We only take a small number of clients each year; quality, not quantity is important. All of our hunts are fair chase with no guarantees or high fences and are fully guided 2x1. If a 1x1 is desired then an additional $175.00 a day 5 day minimum will be charged. The normal modes of transportation are by 4x4 pickup and foot. Field care of the trophy, warm, dry accommodations and hot and hearty home cooked meals are included in the hunt.
For all Montana hunts, the balance is to be paid no later than 60 days prior to arrival. Other hunts may have a different payment structure and will be stated during booking.
Our camps provide all of the essential comforts required on a big-game hunt. We provide our guests with a warm, dry bunk and filling meals that can suppress even the heartiest appetites. Accommodations typically are in a ranch style bunkhouse, with a cook, cots and a shower. At times we do utilize weather resistant wall tents that are outfitted with stoves and cots. We never have more than 4-6 hunters in camp at any one time unless it is a group that comes together.
Note: Not all hunts include lodging. If so it will be stated at the time of booking. We routinely customize hunts for individuals, corporate groups and private parties.
Elk Hunt
Mule deer, whitetail and black bear also
inhabit the same area. No fee for taking
of black bear, but tag must be purchased
prior to set deadline and is not included
in your combination tag. Terrain is typical elk country, mountains with open meadows, timber and some agriculture ground where elk can be found at lower elevations at times. Bulls average in the 300 to 340 range, however, slightly higher is possible. Either a mule deer or a whitetail is included.
Length of Hunt: 5 days
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Season: Starts third weekend in October
Success Rate: 50-60%
Elk Hunt
A high quality hunt with a lot of action. Elk in our area do not migrate and it is very common to have 4 to 5 bulls bugling at once when the rut is kicking in. Terrain is moderate to steep with some hunting done at lower elevations on agriculture ground. A mule deer or a white tail deer is included in this hunt. All Bowhunters must have a NBEF Bowhunter Education certificate or archery license from another state to purchase a Montana bowhunting license
Length of Hunt: 5 days
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Season: September/early October
Success Rate: 50-60%
Mule Deer
The majority of mule deer hunts take place in the Eastern part of Montana. Badlands, rolling Pine Hills, gumbo canyons and agriculture land are the typical terrain. Glass and stalking and some blind hunting. Bucks in this area are typically 22" to 24", but most hunters will have an above average opportunity with a buck in the 24" to 27" range with 30" or more being a real possibility. Bucks will be in the 160 to 190 range. We ask all hunters to please try to maintain a 24" 4x4 (western count) minimum. We do hunt in the Missouri Breaks with a BLM commercial permit, Bighorn sheep hunts as well to those lucky enough to draw a tag.
Length of Hunt: 4 days
Season: Starts third weekend in October
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Success Rate: 100%
Deer/Antelope Combo
Offered two weeks of the season.
Length of Hunt: 4 days
Season: Starts third weekend in October
Hunting Fee: $ POR
This hunt takes place in the Southeastern part of Montana on private leased land. The terrain includes cottonwoods, willows, grass pastures, wheat and barley agriculture. Hunters will have an above average opportunity at a buck in the 145-160 B&C range with 170 or more being a real possibility. Bucks in this area have a lot of trash on their racks with many having double brow tines. Hunting methods will be glass and stalk, foot or 4x4 trucks. Some blind hunting, rattling, calling and drives are done as well. Limit of 4 hunters per group and camp.
Length of Hunt: 4 days
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Season: Starts third weekend in October
Success Rate: 100%
We do at times have tags available on a Indian reservation here in Montana. Price on request, please inquire.
We have more than our share of record-book lions and toms with above average skull sizes and weights in the 160 lb. range or above. This is one of the most sought-after trophies in North America and our record and references will assure you a first-class, high quality hunt.
All hunts are in Montana and on private leases, unless specified. They take place on the east slope of the Rockies as well as several other mountain ranges. The terrain is varied from steep, thick timbered, rocky country to rolling hills and brushy river, stream ranch land. The normal modes of transportation are by a 4x4 pickup, foot and, at times, by snowmobile. Temperatures vary from 30 above to -15 below. Due to these extreme conditions and rugged terrain, we ask that you be prepared and in good physical condition.
Length of Hunt: 5 days or when trophy is taken
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Season: Between December 1st and April 14th; mainly in December
Success Rate: 90% (other 10% is due to lack of physical condition and poor weather)
Additional Fees - Currently:
State licenses are $325.00 for non-residents at this time. This must be bought 5 -7 days prior to your hunt.
Package includes...
- Guide
- Transportation, unless stated otherwise
- Hearty meals
- Lodging, unless stated otherwise
You may use rifles, bows, and/or handguns. Our hounds are from a strain we have been raising since 1980 and are always improving on. Top of the line tracking equipment is used on all hounds to aid in the location of the hound and the lion.
Additional Lion/Big Cat Hunts Offered
We also offer lion hunts in Mexico in conjunction with desert sheep hunts and in the past we have conducted and offered hound hunts for Leopard in Asia, Africa, the Middle East (Persian Leopard hunts in Iran are not being considered at this time), Jaguar hunts in South America, namely Peru were once available at times with the cooperation of the Peruvian Government through a biological program, include CITES, export permit, hunting license, Jaguars are not importable to USA. These are no longer being offered. We can offer and do a green hunt, darting your Jaguar, currently these hunts are on hold awaiting approval from the new Government for this program to continue. For information on other species of cats, please contact us.
Antelope hunts are held in Eastern, north central Montana. Hunters will find large herds with bucks averaging 14". Terrain includes wheat fields, sagebrush prairie, and alfalfa fields with water holes and rolling hills with some pine trees. Merriam turkeys and coyotes are available as well in the antelope/deer combo hunt if time allows.
Hunt #1
Length of Hunt: 3 days
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Season: Starts 2nd weekend in October (usually)
Success Rate: 100%
Hunt #2 (Archery)
Length of Hunt: 3 days
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Season: Starts 2nd weekend in October
Success Rate: 100%
We have done close to a hundred Bison hunts and they make a super mount and fill your freezer up nicely!
We offer several different types of buffalo hunts, one is a 1 to 2 day hunt in Western Montana. We also hunt buffalo on a very large ranch in Eastern Montana in the Bad Lands. At times we can offer hunts on an Indian reservation. These are free ranging buffalo on private ground. Hunts are on horseback, 4x4 and foot. There are many large old bulls in all areas and hunt is in an old west fashion. Hunter retains all of buffalo--head, hide and meat--and has the option to sell all of the meat or a portion of it to a local packing plant. Lodging and processing of meat is not included in price. We will help you dress and skin your trophy and load in your rig to transfer to meat processor or home. All Bison bulls to date have qualified for SCI book. Bulls will range from 5-7 years old all the way to 13 years old.
Length of Hunt: 1- 3 days
Hunting Fee: Contact for price, this will vary on market prices and depending on hunt (After a lot of requests, we will also offer some meat hunts--contact us for availability and price.)
Season: Late winter/Early spring
Black Bear
Spring hunting for black bear is conducted in late April to early May and into June. After the bears come out of hibernation, they feed on grassy slopes and winter kills. Spot and stalk only in some areas. Montana recently passed legislation to run Black Bears with hounds in certain regions for spring only, the new rules and seasons are set to be released sometime early in 2022. Baiting is prohibited in Montana. Fall hunting is done during September with the bears feeding on berries and during some of our Elk archery and rifle hunts.
Black bear in all of our areas maybe found in all color phases, including black, cinnamon, chocolate and blonde, with some variations of all colors as well. Elk hunts include a bear if hunter wishes to purchase a tag separate from the elk only or combination tag. Bears taken during the elk hunting are usually incidental.
Length of Hunt: 5 days
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Season: Late April/early May or September
Montana Gray Wolf Hunts
Join us in the foothills of the Majestic Rocky Mountains of Montana. It is here you will hunt wolves using predator calls and decoys while sitting in ground blinds. Hunters will be delivered to their hunting area via skidoo or quad. Leading up to the calling site will be miles and miles of beautiful remote country. This normally a 5-day hunt has had a 75% opportunity with a 40% kill rate. In Montana there is currently a five-wolf limit for rifle and/or 5 wolves by trapping with certification of a class. Please know now, a Trophy Wolf is a hard-won trophy and not a easy one to get, it takes perfect timing and all of the stars aligned, even though we have plenty of them and know we are the most experienced, they still provide a big challenge.Be aware they are without a doubt one of if not the hardest trophy you will hunt for in Montana, we give a 100% effort and early pre season work and scouting to make your hunt as successful as possible.
Licenses are purchased over-the-counter. Last year hunters could buy a tag anytime after August 15th, but 5 days prior to the hunter actually hunting or killing a wolf. The cost of a non-resident wolf tag is $ . However, due to the controversy over wolves and potential for regulation changes with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, we are looking for the state to relax regulations and allow hunters to use electronic calls and to be able to harvest more than one wolf and even increase the take per hunter.
We have over 40 years experience in predator hunting (calling/trapping). Past experience in calling wolves has proven successful and we have plenty of wolves on our large private leases. Typically we will howl at intervals from dark to daylight and try to locate wolves, then we move in and set up various decoys--usually coyote, as wolves hate coyotes--but we will use other methods that we guard closely.
Saving one or two others, I do not know anyone else pursuing wolves with the intensity we do. We do a lot of scouting year-round and wolves make a great add-on during an elk hunt. Several hunters had the chance this past fall but did not have tags. We have several different areas we hunt and use ATVs or trucks to access the areas. Sometimes we have used snowmobiles but ATVs are most common.
Stands are made throughout the morning calling until abut noon or so depending on the conditions and weather and then again in the evening or late afternoon.
I have hunted wolves in different Canadian provinces, in Alaska and parts of Asia, and had great success with different methods. As of now here in Montana not many of those methods will really apply. Having called in wolves here in Montana I have come up with a method, which is not all that different from calling coyotes. I use a siren to "howl" and locate a pack or single wolf, but we have watched a single wolf and not had much luck getting them to howl back. I am sure it is out of self preservation from being alone. I also use a hand-held howler I made myself and it works as well as the siren, but we won't be able to use it as it is electric, but the sound carries a lot farther.
I built several decoys to use, and it can be either a wolf decoy or coyote, it doesn’t matter that much. Decoys from Montana Decoys also work well. I have found that a fox decoy works great for coyotes, they are mortal enemies. The coyote is a great decoy to use as wolves mop up on the coyotes every chance they get. I have used my lion hounds as decoys before for coyotes and at times use them for wolves. One hound is trained to antagonize coyotes and actually bring the coyote back to the shooters and closer. I can’t tell you today I feel comfortable doing this with a pack of wolves coming in, maybe chained out in front of us 50 yards might be better till we actually get to try several options.
Calls have will be manual or electric calls, electronic are now legal . As far as sounds I mimic, other than the howl, pup in distress, barks and yips or the old rabbit in distress seems to produce results, a lot of it will be dictated by the situation and the reaction I get when they come in. More than one caller seems to be a plus also.
Wolves do cover big areas. It has been a plus to see them and watch their movements for the last 4 or 5 years and pinpoint their movements and what areas are feasible to hunt them and what areas are not. Most of the better wolf hunting now is country where we formerly guided hunters. Getting agreements to guide and hunt wolves on private property has not been a issue at all.
In regards to what weapon a hunter should use, wolves are big, thick and tough critters. I would say a .243 is the minimum caliber I would use and would recommend more punch like a .270, .280, and 7mm mag, etc. I leave my trusty 22-250 behind and and use either a custom PRIMAL DEFENSIVE 6.5 GRENDEL OR Custom .300 WSM both with a Swarovski X5I 5x25x56 ballistic scope fine-tuned out to 750 yards shooting 190 grains.
Hunters will fly into Great Falls, Montana or Bozeman, Montana or Missoula, Montana.
Camp usually consists of good, well-heated wall tents with cots, hearty meals and a lot of fun. Typically we use the ATVs to get around quietly into the areas we will be hunting. December, January and February are prime times for wolf slaying, or in November during elk season is also a good time. Wolves come in all different color variations, from coal black, slightly black to all gray and a mixture as well.
4-day Wolf Hunt (Coyotes included)
Season: Sept. 15 through Feb. 28th
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Package includes: Meals, infield transport, skinning of trophy, coyotes, additional wolves if allowed by state agency
Not included: Hunter rents vehicle, or pickup and transfer fee ($400), license, flight, taxidermy and lodging.
First Blood policy?
Any hunter drawing blood and/or wounding any animal will be finished hunting. Our guarantee and obligations for your hunt fees are completed at that time. We WILL make every effort to retrieve and find any wounded animal.
Non-refundable deposit
Deposits are non-refundable. Once you book your hunt and your deposit is received we start planning for your hunt and incur expenses doing just that. We will routinely turn other hunters away as your spot is booked. The hunters we turn away will either book for the following year or go to another company, thus we have no chance to resell your vacancy.
Refund Policy
Refunds on deposits are only given if a license is not drawn, and there are no over-the-counter, or "leftover" licenses available to purchase, either for the species you are hunting or a combination license containing the species you are hunting. Please keep in mind these over-the-counter or "leftover" licenses may cost extra to purchase than your original application fee. EXAMPLE: You apply for the "Deer Combination License," you do not draw the license, but there are "Big Game Combination" licenses available to purchase over-the-counter, you are required to purchase this license, even if it is of higher price for the license.
Special requirements for archery?
A bow and arrow license, plus the proper hunting license is required during: (1) the deer, elk and/or antelope Archery-Only season; or (2) to archery hunt in an Arch-Equip only area or hunting district. To purchase a Montana bow and arrow license, a hunter must:
- Provide a certificate of completing the National Bowhunter Education Foundation course or
- Provide any prior years bowhunting/archery stamp, tag, permit or license from any state or province.
How Tough Are Our Hunts?
The use of private property for the majority of hunts, 4-wheel drive trucks, preseason scouting, knowledgeable guides, plentiful game, and the kind of country we hunt, most of the hunts are not real physically demanding. We have guided clients in their teens to in their 70s and have had very good success. Anyone under 18 must submit proof verifying they have completed a safe handling firearms course. Anyone having special needs will be matched up with the right guide. The pace of the hunt will be geared to accommodate you on your western hunt.
What Rifles & Optics do you recommend?
We recommend flat shooting calibers, .25-06, .270, 7mm, .300 for our deer and antelope hunts. Your rifle should be sighted in 1-2 inches high at 100 yards. A 4x or better scope is recommended for this is big country and shots can be long. Prepare yourself for shots 25 to 400 yards with a good average of about 250 yards. Please practice!! Sight in your gun and practice shooting FREEHAND, kneeling, sitting and prone. Be comfortable shooting and KNOW YOUR GUN. Every year we see trophy animals get away because of the hunter's shooting. Bring good quality binoculars. The country we hunt is very big and good binoculars can save you time and many miles of walking. A bipod is strongly recommended for this type of country.
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A lot has changed in Canada in the last few years. Prices for sheep hunts and moose have skyrocketed. Caribou hunts in the Northwest Territories for non-resident aliens hunting Central Barren Caribou are closed, putting the top outfitters out of business and causing many hunters to lose an affordable trophy and experience of a lifetime.
Mountain Caribou hunts are still open, but are expensive. Other hunts are also out of reach or not open. With the USFWS stopping importation of Polar Bear trophies, a American can still go, pay $26,000 or more, but not bring his trophy home. We do arrange hunts for non-American nationals and even a few Americans.
We book many Muskox hunts, we have one of the best operators with the First Nations in the NWT.
Sheep hunts are the biggest species we do in Canada at times, but if you're interested in any hunt, please contact us and we will assist.
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Mexico (Baja reopened)
Hunt the beautiful Sierras of Sonora or Baja South for one of North America's most prized big game animals--the Sonora Desert Sheep. The hunt takes place on the West Coast area of Sonora, joining the Gulf of California and Baja. Each area has an abundance of mature rams.
The terrain is extremely rugged and the hunter must be in good physical condition to take the bigger rams. The average size of rams is 160 to 180 points with rams in the 170s very common.
Hunts are conducted between November 30 through March 30 (approximate) with temperatures between 40° and 80° F. Our base camp location is usually a small, yet comfortable ranch. Good home cooked meals are furnished daily along with beverages of your choice. The hunt will be on foot, horseback or vehicles.
This is a first class hunt and is in conjunction with the most reputable outfitter in northwest Mexico. Book a desert sheep hunt and we will personally accompany you throughout your hunt and film it at no extra cost. Our partner in Mexico has 100% success on above-average rams and is the top outfit in all of Mexico for desert sheep and huge deer.
Desert Sheep & Baja Desert Sheep
Hunt package includes...
- 11-day hunt in the Sierra (may bring a non-hunting companion at no additional charge)
- Mexican licenses and permits paid
- Two guides for each hunter
- 1 Desert Sheep trophy
- Infield care of trophy
Price is available upon request at
Not included...
- Airfare
- Licenses and gratuities; license requirements will be provided upon request
Mule Deer
Our Mexican deer hunts are safe and easy. The area has huge Mule deer and above average Coues deer. Serious trophy Mule deer hunters will be missing out on a trophy hunt of a lifetime if they don't go on at least one of these hunts.
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Length of Hunt: 7 nights, 6 days on hunt
Season: December 3 - January 23
Coues Deer
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Length of Hunt: 6 nights, 5 days on hunt
Season: December 3 - January 23
Deer Combo
Hunting Fee: $ POR
Length of hunt: 13 nights, 11 days on hunt
Season: December 3 - January 23
Hunt package includes...
- Room and board
- Transportation to and from Hermosillo and hunting areas
- One-on-one guide and field care of trophy
Not included...
-Licenses and gratuities; license requirements will be provided upon request
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